So, dear readers, being that I don't cook, I wonder and ask: what's the difference, and which is better?
In the meantime, here are those TONY picks:
Fried chicken at Georgia’s Eastside
BBQ Aggressively salted, buttermilk-soaked, crusty, crunchy, juicy and hot—that’s how we like our fried chicken, and that’s how Georgia’s chef Shawn Collins makes it every time. 192 Orchard St between E Houston and Stanton Sts (212-253-6280, georgiaseastsidebbq.com). $14.
Riffing on the Southern classic, a cheddar-laced waffle is topped with half a buttermilk-dipped, snappy-skinned bird, made even tastier with a drizzle of balsamic–maple syrup reduction. 524 Court St at Huntington St, Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn (718-852-8490, buttermilkchannelnyc.com). $18.
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