From the MySpace: Dreams and the Supernatural: It was bound to we build out the infrastructure of the doo-nanny site, the site begins to come to life, take on a life, and ask to be used more than once a is coming......Oct 28 - 31......mark your calendars.......come early for the real deal, and to do your part, and the parts of all those who don't yet get that coming early is 100 times better than staying home treading whatever personal rat race you've case you haven't heard, the rats won.......race over.......we are creating the Himalayan Bow-Legged Curly-Haired Transvestite Possum Race that will take its place, so get in on the ground floor.......start tying stuff to your roof now.......
The fall Doo will have many of the same features you are familiar with, but with more of a "harvest-time" flavor....pies, jellies, jams, jerky, etc, and, of course....appropriate costumery.......there will be an emphasis on the already rich trade/swapping that naturally goes on among our family of art friends, with an official Barter Fair.......we also hope to have the new sauna, hot showers, and wood-fired pizza oven ready.....yeahhhh......
Butch laid out a ton of dollars to make the spring Doo-Nanny happen, with little return...let's make the fall event the time to bring the harvest home for that priceless gift. Bring what you have, give what you can......and yes, in case you forget, giving is even more important when you have little........time, junk, art, homemade food, wine, rugs, old beds, rope, solar lights, firewood, time, homemade M O V I E S, etc, etc. , even homemade money(don't copy dollars, make new money), as well as gifts of regular money, are all currency to us........bring it....doo on it......
this is brand new, so more later..........
Read about past Doo-Nannys here and here.
1 comment:
Nice... the Doo-Nanny is building again, hope you'll join in...
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