Based on Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, Chuck.Chuck.Chuck. follows the family members of Addie Bundren as they leave their home to fulfill her dying wish - to be returned to her birthplace for burial. Through text, video, live music and dance, the project examines subterranean connections that exist within families and among communities. Patterns emerge from the crap shoot of history and congeal as the Bundrens go about the often terrible business of living.
The nihilists say it is the end; the fundamentalists, the beginning; when in reality it is no more than a single tenant or family moving out of a tenement or town.
all shows start at 8:30pm @ the COLLAPSABLE HOLE
146 Metropolitan Ave. at Berry, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
L train to Bedford, G train to Metropolitan.
[Click for Map]
$15 door
$12 advance online purchase
or call 212-352-3101
Immediate Medium, Inc. (IM) is a non-profit performance collaborative founded in 2002 and dedicated to building a community of artists through the creation of works of art utilizing live performance and multimedia. We seek to challenge formal distinctions between performance, dance, film, sculpture and architecture in order to create new works of experiential art that engage and provoke creators and audience alike.
Members of the company came together at Yale while studying and exploring mostly traditional approaches to theatre, sculpture, film, photography and dance. After moving to New york, company members began to work across media and more collaboratively, not elevating one artistic medium above another.
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